Best Months to Visit Costa Rica
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Best Months to Visit Costa Rica (Temperature + Precipitation)

Discover the prime time to explore Costa Rica, spanning mid-December to April, known as the dry season. With abundant sunshine, this period is perfect for rainforest adventures and beach relaxation. Although it’s the busiest and priciest season, the U.S. dollar holds value well throughout the year. Secure accommodations and tours three months ahead.

Alternatively, visit from May to November for budget-friendly options, especially during June and July when rainfall briefly subsides, and the landscape flourishes with greenery. Keep in mind regional weather variations, with humid conditions and temperatures in the 70s to 80s on the Caribbean coast, and drier, hotter climates reaching the 90s in the North Pacific during the dry months.

Weather in Costa Rica

Average Temperature:

Average Precipitation:

Source: Travel.USnews

December-April (Best Time)

Costa Rica’s dry season attracts a surge of sunshine and visitors, drawing wildlife enthusiasts and beach lovers from around the world to explore its stunning rainforests and sandy coastlines. This period offers prime opportunities to witness magnificent Quetzals and nesting green turtles. Festivities abound during the dry months, with lively fiestas featuring bullfights, dancing, and live music. While San José maintains pleasant temperatures in the 70s year-round, regions like the Nicoya Peninsula and Guanacaste experience hotter, drier climates, reaching up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. December and January see an influx of North American and European travelers seeking warmth and adventure, making early reservations essential to secure accommodations.

So, Why are you at home? It’s April, Hurry Up! Just contact any trusted traveler program and enjoy your holidays in Costa Rica.


During the rainy season, known as the “green season” for its lush foliage, fewer tourists visit Costa Rica, leading to reduced accommodation costs for those unfazed by occasional drizzles. In drier regions like Guanacaste, showers typically occur in the afternoon or evening and last only briefly. Along the Caribbean coast, rain persists until September and October, giving way to sunny skies. However, unpaved roads may pose challenges for reaching remote destinations. Nonetheless, July and August offer a sweet spot as tourists flock to witness Costa Rica’s wildlife amidst lighter rainfall. Early reservations are advised for visits during these months due to increased demand.

Popular Times to Visit Costa Rica

Source: Travel.USnews

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